Ditsy Pet:
I bought the dogs a Ditsy Pet Christmas print lead each and I've really enjoyed using them, they're really soft and lightweight and the perfect length so i've put two on my shopping list
- Hello Sailor dog lead £13.95
- Rose dog lead £13.95
And for no reason other than because I can, some other bits and pieces that I really like!
- Hello Sailor collar £11.95
- Hello Sailor bow £5.00
- Rose bow £5.00
Dog Robes:
Lily, Sev, Daisy & Isla all have towel coats from another brands so I think it's time I bought Ava one! Torn between the grey and the pink!
Dapper Pets:
A few days ago Dapper posted a sneak peak of their Crufts stock including a variety of daisy items, including a new pink daisy print collar and matching daisy ID tag, now clearly our resident Daisy dog needs these!
Benyfit Raw:
L&S have been raw fed for years and have very good stomachs so i'm able to change suppliers/varieties whenever I find something better for them to eat. Our friend Baloo has recently moved onto Benyfit and his mum, Jaycee was really impressed so i'm hoping to find out more! :-)
Mabel & Mu are a firm favourite of mine and I always pick up a few bows when I see them at shows!
On our list for Crufts are pieces from their new ranges Wildflower Walks and Waterfall Walks (these launch at Crufts so no direct link yet!)
A friend on Twitter shared a photo of their whippets wearing coats from the store which looked gorgeous - I was super excited that they have a range of Wax Coats for Dachshunds! The Navy Blue is on our list!
I've been trying to use up what i've got in my grooming stash but there are a few essentials that i've ran out of! I also need a new pair of thinning scissors, no direct link as i've not chosen a pair yet!
Tropical Cream Conditioner - £6.95
Conditioner is a staple in Sev's grooming routine and really adds shine to his coat, this is a new one for me but i've heard good things about this as our friends use it on their Welsh Springers!
We all know there is no way that i'll stick to this list!! But I've been sensible and have set myself a budget (yeah whatever, Jaime!!)
Would you be interested in seeing a haul post after Crufts? Please let us know!
Thank you for reading,
Jaime, Lily & Sev xo