Thursday, 4 December 2014
Black Friday Haul!
The final place I bought from was Pets at Home - I seemed to be the only person that didn't have issues logging on! All of the things I bought (except one!) are specifically for our new GSP puppy that is due to join us in a few weeks! All the items I bought where on offer as well as the extra 10% off which was a bargain! I picked up 3 items from the brand BecoThings which all had 50%; the hoop which cost me £2.00, The beco ball on a rope which was £3.00 and lastly the rope ring (which is waaaay bigger than I'd imagined!) which was £2.50 all the beco range is ecofriendly and made with soft natural materials which will be perfect for the puppy. I picked up a Nerf Tuff tug in the sale at 50% for £4.50 it's super heavy duty and looks like it will be lots of fun :-). I picked up a knitted scarf for Lily, its completely pointless but at £3.75 it's cute. I finally bought another pack of the girls' favourite Natures Menu treats which weren't on sale but we'd run out so I added them in anyway :-) The bottom picture is Lil's wearing her scarf and coat - doesn't she look cute?!
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Budget? What budget?!
Here is the second part of my christmas gift guide, this one is more luxury items that any dog would love to have! :-)
Mutts and Hounds - Dachshund Line Pillow Dog Bed in size Small
Mulberry x Mungo & Maud - Hibiscus & Sea Blue Calf Leather collar
Louis Vuitton Baxter Monogram dog collar
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Christmas Gift Guide - £20 and under!
I've seen numerous beauty/lifestyle blogs do similar posts so I thought why not do one for dogs! Most of the items i've featured are things that my own animals will be receiving for Christmas and I have tried to include a variety of different products to hopefully suit numerous breeds/sizes!
Kong "AirDog Squeakair" Tennis Balls
Lily's Kitchen Advent Calendar for Dogs
Red Dingo Collar - Pink with Green Stars
Mutts and Hounds Bone Print Neckerchief - Heather
Friday, 24 October 2014
We're back!
After a 2 month break, we're back!
I don't have a review to share today, but I do have some of my favourite shots from Lily's recent photoshoot - if theres any brands out there that want a photogenic chocolate daxi to model for them please message me using my email which is here :-)
Thank you for reading, Jaime & Lily xo
Monday, 25 August 2014
Toby's Story
So when he yelped 3 weeks back we assumed he'd run into something or pulled a muscle as within minutes he'd forgotten all about it and carried on charging about like the lunatic he was. Over the past couple of weeks his yelps of pain became more frequent and turned into screams so we rushed him to the vet where he was referred to a chiropractor and given some pain relief after this his was back to normal for a day or two, so back to the vets we went and left after Toby had been given a Rymadil injection (a high dose anti-inflammatory) this cured him of pain and he was fine once more, but as before it wore off leaving Toby in absolute agony, his screams being one of the most awful things I've ever heard.
He was rushed into the vets where he was put under and xray'd we'd been given 3 potential outcomes the first being that he'd fractured his neck, this was the one we wanted as it can be cured easily without surgery. The second was that they would find tumours in his neck/back which where putting pressure on his spinal chord and consequently causing him pain. And the third was that they'd find nothing meaning that he would have to be transferred to the mainland for MRI's and future tests.
The outcome was something none of us had ever expected Toby's xrays had shown he had calcification in the three vertebrates under his shoulders which had been pushed upwards causing him immense pain, further down his spine the vets also found that some of his disks had fused - he even had it at the base of his tail which is incredibly rare. My biggest fear since owning Lily had come true, but not in my dachshund but in my beautiful, healthy cocker - IVDD
We where given numerous options of things that where unlikely to work as well as a four day course of Rymadil injections which had worked previously in the hope that his disks would contract and release the pressure on his spinal canal. We got to day 2 of Toby having them and he was responding well and acting like his normal bouncy self but on the evening of the second day we could all tell something wasn't right as he failed to get comfortable and his breathing became panicky and rough. That next morning Toby woke up in horrendous pain and couldn't walk or put his paws on the ground so we made the heartbreaking decision to have him put to sleep. My beautiful boy didn't try to fight the injection and simply fell asleep free from anymore pain and suffering.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone and felt the need to write this to hopefully raise awareness of this awful disease that not only affects our lovely little sausages but other breeds such as Cockers, Beagles and many others.
Rest in peace my beautiful boy 25-6-2006 - 24-8-2014 <3
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Weekend Wishlist #2
Here's this weeks collection of goodies that were loving!
I have a couple of review posts planned, currently testing them to see if they get Lily's stamp of approval! ;-)
1. Swarovski ID Tag
2. Billy and Margot Popcorn
3. Red Dingo Collar
4. Kong Cozies Rhino
5. Classic Beige Trench Coat
Thank you for reading,
Jaime & Lily xo
Friday, 15 August 2014
Weekend Wishlist!
I've seen a lot of the beauty/lifestyle blogs do similar posts to this so I thought it'd be fun to do one for pet things!
So here's mine and Lily's first wish list! Links to all the products below!
1. Ancol Indulgence - Vintage Polka Raspberry
2. Kong Quest Bone in small
3. Pet London Collapsible Bowl in Lilac
4. Lily's Kitchen Fish Skin Chews
5.John Paul Pets Oatmeal Conditioning Spray
Thank you for reading, Jaime & Lily xoxo
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Just a quick review post today, of an item I ordered a few weeks back, I wanted to try it out before I reviewed it.
My Lily gets bathed every couple of months as she likes to pretend that she's a spaniel but when she's not galavanting around fields like a hooligan with our Cockers she's a show dog. And much to her disgust after each bath she has to be dried, but Lily absolutely hates the dryer and gets fed up of being rubbed with the towel so I set about looking for an alternative; thats when I found PuppiChic!
PuppiChic create unique and adorable pieces for dogs and have a specific Dachshund range! Upon finding their website ( I found their Bath Wraps.
I ordered the "Purple Polka Dot Bath Wrap" from their website and it arrived swiftly wrapped in the most gorgeous tissue paper decorated with peacock feather print! :-)
They are made of a good quality soft cream coloured towelling which is trimmed with ribbon around the collar and the adjustable belly strap.
Lily can be quite fussy with what she'll tolerate but I put this on her after her bath and she ran around and even fell asleep wearing it - about 20 minutes later and she was completely dry and happy!
I would totally recommend both this product and the brand, as they also provide a service where they will custom make products to perfectly fit your dog which I think is a really unique idea in the pet industry! :-)
Below are two photos of the first time Lily tried it on - it fit hers perfectly and she looks so cute in it! :-)
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Billy + Margot goodies!
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Red Dingo Delivery!
I'd spent ages looking for a company that made and sold good quality dog collars that aren't hugely bulky on Lily, but I was finally recommended the Australian brand Red Dingo by a fellow daxi owner, I first bought her the blue daisy chain collar which I love but I decided it was time for a new one (or two!!)
Pre-warning this will be quite a photo heavy post! The two collars I bought were White Spots on Red and Breezy Love Pink in size XS which is a perfect fit for miniature dachshunds. The main UK supplier for these collars is Dapper Pets (links below) after a slight bit of sizing mixup from the company I bought them from I'd called Dapper and spoken to one of the most helpful members of staff who happily helped me sort out my order resulting in the collars below - thank you Daniel! :-)
The collars feature the brands signature "buckle bone" closure which is super secure and cute!
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Hello and welcome to our blog!
Hope you enjoy reading about what we get up to and buy, already got my first review lined up! :-)
Thanks for reading,
Jaime and Lily xo
Other places to find us
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